Well, for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to write an entry in the blog AND add the video so there are two posts for one day. I was up at 3:30 a.m. to take D to the airport, then a quick mini-workout with Sally and some yummy Starbucks. I was home by 7:30 a.m. and already needing a nap...which I didn't take until noon. Kimi and I had a good hour to sleep. Unfortunately, I am still exhausted and have had not inclination to do anything productive. I did, however, find this cool video/photo remix software on Photobucket and thought I'd play around with it. I think for my first one, it came out kind of cool!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
15 Years
Today is our 15th Anniversary. It's amazing to think it's been that long and even more amazing to look back on our incredible journey. We have lived in Louisville, Colorado; Thousand Oaks, California; Erie, Colorado; Burke, Virginia; Carencro, Louisiana; Arlington, Virginia and now for what will hopefully be the last time: Erie, Colorado. We haven't loved all of these places but they all have one special thing in common: we made amazing friends along the way. As much as I loved moving around, it was always hard to pick up and leave new friends. Sometimes it was a mixed blessing because we were going back to old friends but still...it was hard.
We had a wonderful morning, my DH is amazing and is so sentimental. He had made a playlist on his Ipod and brought it in with speakers this morning to play when I woke up. Included were:
There is Love - Peter, Paul & Mary. This song was played at our wedding. We even had a pirated version of it on a cassette tape because the album was no longer printed. Thanks to Itunes we have a new copy.
Okay, don't laugh at this one: Bohemian Rhapsody - yes, the Queen song from Wayne's World. It's one of Dick's fave songs and one he made me dance to our wedding!!! It cracks me up just to listen to it.
Have I Told You Lately - Rod Stewart - this became our song as soon as he released it. Through the years, any time it comes on the radio, I try to call D wherever he is and it always makes me tear up.
Come What May - Nicole Kidman And Ewan McGregor from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack - this is one of our fave movies and this song is beautiful. He was so sweet to include it this morning.
Needless to say, I cried all morning...that's big ole sentimental me!!!
Here's a pic of pic from February 25, 1993. We got married in our house in Louisville, Colorado with 9 of our closest friends "witnessing". We had just moved to Colorado and really didn't know that many people here. The interesting thing is that no one who attended our wedding that night still lives here in Colorado. Anyway, this is us with my mom and dad. Another interesting point, mom and I were both redheads at the time...now we are both blondes again...like mother, like daughter..tee hee.
Posted by Angie at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Kimi and New Clothes
I bought this in both purple and pink....cute cute cute!

the skort in both brown and black.
Posted by Angie at 12:20 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Kimi Update and Missing Paris
Giovedì felice! Or Happy Thursday...tonight's my 3rd Italian class and we're all the way up to numbers. Thanks to Starbucks, I know how to pronounce "Venti" really well (the number 20 in Italian). The previous 19 I'm till working on. Life here in Colorado just keeps chugging along. I can't believe it's already mid-February and we haven't been skiing yet...in this of all years when we're getting record mountain snowfall!!! The weather down here is turning slightly warmer these days so it's much more comfortable to be outside so Kimi and I are spending lots of time in the park. I have been working on my cardmaking and am feeling my creative juices starting to flow again. Kimi is well on her way to being well trained so my schedule is opening up some. She gets her last round of shots on Monday which means she can start going to doggy daycare. Woo hoo!!! I still haven't started on Bel Canto but I may start tomorrow. I'm doing well on my reading resolution but not so well on my wine drinking....ugh!
and sometimes her toys (rare!!)
Posted by Angie at 3:42 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
When Dogs Fly
This picture cracks me up. This is a trampoline-like apparatus that we are using in our puppy obedience class. It's to teach her to go to a "place"...when told to. Supposedly very useful when you need puppy to stay in one place i.e. during dinner, when the doorbell rings or just when you need her to settle down in general. At the beginning of the training, she caught onto it very quickly...every time she'd get on it, she'd get a treat. It didn't take long before getting on and off it was a game. Anyway, I was trying to take pictures today because I can't believe how fast she's growing. I wanted her to sit on the "place"....hmmmm, I could get her to go there, but the minute my camera started to click, she'd jump off and bark....her ears are still just a tad big for her body so when she's leaping through the air, her ears look like wings. Am I the only one who things that's adorable???
It makes me a little sad that this puppy stage will be over soon. They can be so rambunctious but also so sweet and innocent. She is so much fun to watch explore everything. I brought her to Sally's today to meet her cat, Lulu. Lulu wouldn't have anything to do with Kimi, but Kimi was very interested in everything in Sally's house....from Lulu's toys to Sally's plants. It was like going to puppy Disney.
Today wasn't just filled with puppy stuff. I actually made it to the gym to do some cardio and weights. Tonight Sally and I have the 2nd of our Beginning Italian class. Maybe by May we'll know 10 words!!! Ciao.
Posted by Angie at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Another Week of Nothing
Well, it's already Wednesday and I don't feel like I'm being very productive. I worked for half a day on Monday but the rest of the week I've just been hanging out. Yesterday, I did manage to whip up this:
Okay, so I didn't really make it. It was a frozen pie I bought from one of the kids in my hood...selling for their school. But it was yummy all the same!! My friend Cherie came over for tea and peach pie...it was a fun morning catching up with her.
Posted by Angie at 9:18 AM 1 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Another Saturday in the Hood
I just love Saturdays, don't you? The weather has finally turned a little warmer - for now. It was 50 today and sunny. A little windy but at least it wasn't frigid. I've been doing a Pilates class on Saturday mornings and it really helps my weekend get off right. Also, D is home on weekends and it's a much nicer place to be when he's home. Today was a typical day for us...I did Pilates, he had a massage then we packed Kimi up and headed into Boulder for a little socialization. We ate at CPK...our favorite place down on 29th Street, while she slept in the truck. Then we took her out and walked around for a hour or so. Needless to say, she was the hit of the mall!!! Everyone stopped to pet and say hello....she's quite the charmer. Then it was back home to (me) work on taxes and (D) work in his car trailer.
Posted by Angie at 6:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Vegas Baby
Sorry I've been away for so long. I spent the past 8 days in Vegas working the World Furniture Market with my dear friend, Sally. This is my 2nd trip to Vegas for market and luckily, this time I came home with no injuries. It was a succesful trip professionally. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and I am enjoying the work I do for her. My being gone also meant that Kimi was alone with D for a whole week...I'm sure he spoiled her rotten but didn't seem to ruin any of my training. Here's some fun pics from the week:
Here's us girls out enjoying dinner and martinis at the new Palazzo. Beautiful hotel and they make a martini called an Asian Lemon Drop (Sake, Absolut Citreon and Lemon Juice in a sugar rimmed glass...YUMMY!!!)
Lots of fun stuff goes on at market in the late afternoon, happy hour...here are some fun characters walking around the building:
This is one of the characters from Cirque de Soleil's Mystere
Mini Marilyn & Elvis (where do they find these people?)
Sally and I with another rep on Fremont Street, the old historical part of Vegas. This was the night we won $35!!! The following night, Sally rolled forever and we hit it big.
D came to meet me on Friday for the weekend. We stayed at the fabulous, fabulous Bellagio and ironically, this was the view from our room. It was so much fun to come back to the room when the fountains were going off at night. We had two delicious dinners...one at Daniel Boulod in the Wynn, the other at Olives in the Bellagio. We also got in some shopping....a new tie for Dick, a new purse, jewelry and scarf for me.
And I will leave you with one last picture of Vegas...this was the night Dick came in...that desert sky can just be breathtaking!
Posted by Angie at 12:55 PM 1 comments