Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Someone Else's Blog

Today's a quick post because Kimi just woke up which means I'm going outside. I found this blog in this month's MORE magazine. It's two sisters from Texas and they crack me up. With all of the bad news that we are bombarded with every day, I love having something to read that's just plain out funny. You have to watch some of their UTube videos. I wonder if my sister and I are going to be like this when we grow up???



The Midlife Gals said...

Well, how SCHWEEEET of you to put us up on your blog as a POST! We've gotten such insanely wonderful feedback from the article...looking like a book might burst forth from this, which is only one of our goals. We'd really like to have BOBBLE-BELLY MIDILFE GALS DOLLS!!!

KK and SalGal

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